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Mike's I was being eyeballed by a huge guard dog

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It's hard to know why some events stay with you, vividly, as if they happened recently. Once such, for me, was in Germany in 1957.

A few of us in the forces drank heavily. Was it because we hated being where we were; rebellion; who knows, I don't?

One night I went out with a couple of pals to a dance in a local town. It had been set up by a camp Sergeant, a fairly old but good guy.

To be honest I cannot remember anything about the place, other than when I arrived. It's a complete blank. What I do remember is waking up some time later.

I was sitting on the front step of someone's house. I opened my eyes and found myself staring eyeball to eyeball with a large German Shepherd guard dog. We were almost nose-to-nose. He belonged to an MP who'd been called out, by the owners of the house, I guess!

What was so striking about it and has remained with me so clearly, was my state of mind. My mind has never been so clear, ever! I felt so aware, such clarity of mind and so unafraid of the dog. I was elated!!

It didn't last, unfortunately.

And I got 3 day's detention for my troubles!

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