Chapter 2
By convention, the sweet,
By convention, the bitter,
By convention, the cold,
By convention, the colour;
In truth, nothing but atoms and void.
(Democritos, after Sextus Empiricus)
Was Democritos right?
Years ago on a PBS NOVA special, an investigation was performed to study the phenomenon of psychic perception. During their account of the research and various experiences in psychic phenomena they explored many different research models, and came up with sceptical viewpoints on the validity of these findings.
There was one experiment, however, that even NOVA and the team of researchers found impossible to dismiss. This experiment was replicated by the engineering departments of nineteen major universities, not by the psychology or parapsychology departments. The experiment proceeded as such:
A piece of radioactive material was placed next to a Geiger counter, which would count the emission rate of various particles. It is known that the emission rate of particles from the radioactive material are at an indeterminate rate, falling under the indeterminacy equation. This means that the material is decaying, and when the next ray will be emitted is indeterminate. We only have a construct of probability. We have no technology or ability to calculate exactly when the next ray will be emitted.
First they would determine statistically the probability of the time the next ray would be emitted. This probability was then calculated by a machine. A computer was hooked up to the Geiger counter, which in turn was hooked up to a clock in another room. If the ray coming out of the radioactive material came out at the same probability that was statistically measured, then the clock would not move. If the ray came out of the radioactive material in under this amount of time, then the clock would move one second anti-clockwise. If the ray came out in over this amount of time, then the ray would cause the computer to move one second clockwise. Thus if the ray came out as predicted statistically, it would produce no movement on the clock; if it took longer, it would produce a clockwise movement; if it took less time, it would produce an anti-clockwise movement. When the clock was allowed to run without the presence of human subjects, the movement of the clock would statistically hover, by moving sometimes forward, sometimes back, but usually around the mean.
Experimenters then had subjects step into the room with the clock, unaware of the other processes of the Geiger counter or the radioactive material which were hidden in another room. The subjects in the room with the clock were asked to make the clock move clockwise with their minds; the only instruction given to them. To the mystification of these engineering departments, as well as NOVA, most could move the clock clockwise with their minds. Others, as hard as they would try to move the clock clockwise, would move it anti-clockwise. But almost everybody had an effect on the clock beyond just chance. The experimenters found a gender variance in the study, with males causing more anti-clockwise than females. Somehow the human mind could effect indeterminancy of a specified operation without conscious knowledge of the process.
In the gross world of thermodynamic physics objects have predictable outcomes. To build a set of brake pads for a car experiments can be developed with consistent outcomes. There is no need for double blind experiments on the thermodynamic brake pads. Certain materials pass certain don't, and thinking doesn’t change the results. But when scientist started smaller and smaller experiments there came a size where suddenly the thoughts of the observer affect the outcome. Quantic experiments of any size were affected by the observer and 'the observer effect' was born.
Many scientists struggled with the observer effect and try to rationalise it away. But suddenly physics had to design double blind experiments to counter the effects. Biology was faced with the same dilemma. There was definite experimenter effects in living systems experiments. So the double blind experiment was designed. The thought was that if experimenter bias and shifting of data was the reason, this is indeed true. But what if there was a more significant reason? What if the conscious mind could affect the outcome of an indeterminant situation under quantic rules?
What if Biology was under quantic rules and as such responded to thought?
We hold as a treatise that biology exists because of its indeterminacy, and we further expound that indeterminacy can be shaped by the human brain.
This shaping or effect of one quantic system on another at an indeterminant level, could be happening through some subspace dimension. Topology defines subspace as an infinite set of spaces existing inside, beneath awareness, and enclosing other space sets. Thus our thought and mind is aware of a 4 dimensional space of our conscious mind but there are definitely subspace dimensions existing beneath our awareness. There are parts of the brain that appear to act as transmitters and receivers for subspace transfer. This is referred to as the psychic abilities of man and animals, or the radionic capacities. The dynamics of this principle are threatening to many scientists.
Every culture known to man has developed indeterminate methods of analysing its future. The ancient Norse would throw antler horns into the fire and watch the cracks that might appear, to determine where they might find the best hunting. Some cultures used tea leaves. The Chinese used the Yarrow sticks, as well as the coins to throw the I Ching. The Celts developed the Tarot cards. There are many other examples. The human mind has found that it can shape indeterminacy, and that indeterminate events can provide intriguing consultations to the human experience.
The indeterminacy of an atom was explored in this experiment, but there is a greater indeterminacy in biology, which accounts for the possibility of human beings to interact and experience their environment.
Mathematicians and scientists agree on the existence of other dimensions often referred to as subspace. These subspace dimensions are not apparent to the verbal conscious mind but might be accessible to the dream state.
In the dream state events can occur out of time cause and effect relations and the laws of time and space are more variable. There are at least 10 subspace dimensions existing beneath our awareness. These dimensions are connected with the overall consciousness of the unified field of the universe. Intercommunications between dimensions is a basic postulate of our subspace biology. Much later in this book we discuss the subspace in more intimate detail. But now we must accept the postulate as a possible explanation of the ability of a conscious system to influence an indeterminant state at a distance.
Since the effect is on the indeterminancy of a system the effect would be subtle, irreproduceable, and complex. Modern reductionistic and reproduceable science would have trouble with such a system. But modern mathematics could embrace such a system.
So there is a constant struggle between indeterminate science and determinate science. Indeterminate sciences have been looked on as metaphysical sciences; whereas the determinate sciences have led to discoveries of engineering, physics and chemistry. Each one, through its own fallacy of philosophy has thought that it is superior to the others, but a true look at biology in the human experience and the development of science will tell us that some culmination or blending of these two mediums is important.
Many researchers have developed ways of looking at determinate events, such as Boyle, who developed gas laws for analysis of the determinate events within a gas. This led to the discovery of the laws of thermodynamics.
The zeroeth law of thermodynamics is that temperature exists.
The first law of thermodynamics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics is that heat must pass from a hot body to a cold body; a cup of hot coffee in a room gives temperature to the cold room, both being non-alive (the definition of life for an object being that it must be able to metabolise and reproduce on its own). Eventually the two will come to equilibrium, as the process of thermodynamics dictates in the second law. Yet, a human being sitting in the same room will give heat to the room but will not lose temperature; he will maintain 98.6°F.
As the third law of thermodynamics encounters, we can manoeuvre things through steps. Brown was a researcher who long ago found that when he put pollen cells under a microscope, he could detect subtle movement; this was then labelled Brownian motion. This Brownian motion was later found to be the entropic shifting of the molecules that happens in gases, solids and liquids. Entropic shifting is like millions of billiard balls in a box; if one knew the position of the billiard balls and their mass and momentum, one would substantially know the system.
This is determinism. Thus, a hotter molecule, when striking a colder molecule, transmits an amount of momentum. Conservation of momentum is maintained.
The oxygen in the room's air is thermodynamic, moving back and forth, obeying the gas laws, being bombarded. But as it is taken into the human nostril and crosses the alveoli barrier of the lungs, it loses its randomness. Once inside the red blood cell, it now becomes indeterminate, non-thermodynamic, and quantic (controlled) in its action as it obeys a bio-quantic control within the cell. Within the cell we do not find Brownian motion; we find a controlled process. So random entropy is not a factor of life; it is a factor of death. The laws of thermodynamics are the laws of death. Life cannot exist by random thermodynamics. Some type of molecular control is essential for life to exist. Life must have some mathematical process control over the system.
We are alive because of our fight against the laws of thermodynamics. If the cell should die, as we watched the molecules within, we would see that they would start to slip into Brownian motion. They would start to obey the laws of thermodynamics more fully and would lose their fight against the temperature of the room and gravitate to equilibrium. In the words of a Washington Post’s editor, when a person dies he loses his fight against room temperature.
Thus, the testing of any type of biological entity in vitro (inside the test tube) is vastly different from the results one might attain when looking at it in vivo. As Heisenberg speculated, even if we tried to do in vivo testing by measuring something so small, we would interfere with the process, and thereby not know the process. We have a medicine built around tracer elements that basically tells us very little about true biology. What happens to radioactive iodine in the body is that it apparently gravitates toward the thyroid. All that we know from this experiment is that radioactive iodine goes to the thyroid. We do not know where real iodine goes, because we have interfered with the process by using radioactive iodine, just as if we were to take a student in a room and cover him with a tracer such as horse manure, we would be able to find him with our noses whenever we needed him. We would have a tracer. We would observe that during the day this person would go to bath houses and perfume shops, and we would think that those were the natural events of his day. A radioactive molecule such as iodine is recognised by the cells; cells are able to see this radioactive molecule shooting out rays, and radioactive tracers are treated differently by the cells. So we do not know where real iodine goes, or real sodium. To really know the process of biology will always be indeterminately impossible, because we can only measure what we have interfered with. Only nature can know biology.
This leads one to further believe and acknowledge that the natural process knows; the synthetic process does not know, and that one can never arrive at biology through synthetics. Thus, in the development of a medicine we must look at the natural process and the naturally occurring parts of the plants. The Bible tells us that "healing shall come from the leaves of the field".
With this type of observation we can develop a superior medicine.
Such a superior medicine is exemplified in naturopathy and homeopathy, which offer to mankind tremendous healing opportunities. But synthetic chemicals have always made more money, and have been rationalised by the amount of science that goes on within the test tube. Yet now, with this quantum physics of biology, perhaps we can see that our test tube technology has left us high and dry, and synthetics will produce many side effects and iatrogenic diseases. We have already seen this in our society, as iatrogenic disease has escalated more than any other.
In the synthetic world of surgery and pharmaceuticals there are approximately four hundred billion dollars a year sought in malpractice suits in the USA; people who became hurt through the concepts of synthetic medicine. Yet, with homeopathy and naturopathy, which are legal entities in the United States and most countries in the world, there are less than one thousand dollars in reward suits made every five years. This drastic difference is concealed by modern medicine in a cover-up like no other. This type of cover-up makes Watergate seem trivial. Rupert Sheldrake postulated on this indeterminism. Carl Jung discovered the principle of synchronicity: human existence is full of different types of unexplained indeterminate events, which point to a new concept of reality. This transfer of consciousness or synchronicity would be through some subspace dimension and obey quantic rules of observer effect. The shared consciousness of all things in this single universe could communicate on some level of shape transfer across these subspace channels. This would make them independent of the space and time restrictions of our current limited space. Sheldrake, who wrote the book on "Morphic Resonance", postulated that this indeterminacy could be shaped by a large indeterminate series of events. Such an event, he thought, was the group of synapses within the human brain, and that if a large series of indeterminate events could capture the same numbers as the indeterminacy of the human brain, this would allow for that process to duplicate in some manner the thought process of the human brain. The number of synapses in the human brain has been postulated as 10-13. The amount of possible interactions is 10 to the 23rd. If a machine could be made to do indeterminacy at 10-23, that indeterminate event could be shaped by the human brain. The subspace reception of the human brain could be duplicated.
By generating 10-23 random numbers, these events can be used to generate speech quality and to generate artificial intelligence through an indeterminate process rather than a determinate one. Most computers work on a binary system; On/Off, 0 or 1. A quantum computer system would work on the trinary logic of On, Off, or Indeterminate. This indeterminacy is shaped by 10-23, allowing for a computer to much better approximate the human brain. This trinary logic system could be used to develop medical protocols and artificial thought processes. A quatery system has even been proposed of on off indeterminant and don't care.
Development of the trinary logic system would represent a tremendous achievement, going beyond the binary system to a more human, trinary, indeterminate system; yet, this step must be taken with great caution. If we truly had a computer that did think like a human, the threat to our society could be awesome. Thus these discoveries and technologies should be left in the hands of scientists who are not looking for profit motivation, but are rather looking to help mankind to grow in awareness, and through a reverence of nature, rather than a synthetic demise of it.
Plato developed a concept of the world of 'FORMS' . He proposed that there was a world of ideal forms that existed and affected everything. There was in this world an ideal dog, cat, persons, rocks and all things as ideal or perfect forms. Then in the real world there were imperfect attempts of these forms. This is understandable in our new physics as a subspace dimension existing beneath this dimension, affecting all things. This subspace dimension can also explain our polymorphic shape transfer of Morphic Resonance. Reviewing Plato's world of forms in the light of our new physics demonstrates his vision and genius. This shows how even long ago another dimension of shapes was anticipated. In light of our subspace theory, philosophy and science hold hands again.
Another exciting concept that further validates our concept of morphic subspace is the healing power of prayer. Over 270 studies on prayer in a clinical setting have dramatically shown that patients who are prayed for have significant improvements in health compared with those that do not. Larry Dossey's book 'Healing Words' by Harpers (1993), covers this phenomenon from a Medical Clinical perspective.
The minds of the people praying can affect the bodies of those needing healing in a fashion that defies time and space rules of a 4 dimensional physics. The prayers are a communication through the god consciousness which is partially our subspace morphic resonance. This allows for a polymorphic influence over the indeterminacy of the targeted system. This scientific description of a religious process is not meant in any fashion to be demeaning –instead it is meant to be fulfilling. As we stated in the Introduction, science must join with mysticism and religion. A new science should result without the anal retentive cling to reproducability. Quantum physics has at least taught us that.
So in summary, there is a subspace set or sets pervading and connecting the universe
The precept of quantum physics allows for a particle to be in two positions or places at the same time. This is a dramatic shift from the idea of classical physics.
The phenomenon of tunnelling also occurs in quantum physics, wherein a proceeding particle can suddenly skip through time and space, or through other barriers, and appear on the other side. This type of phenomenon is impossible according to classical physics. Some people have labelled this tunnelling through barriers phenomenon as leap-frogging , or an insertion of extra energy within the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and its ability to leap over the energetic barrier. In classic physics if a particle of a certain potential is proceeding and incurs a barrier of lesser potential, the particle can cross the barrier. The motion of the particle becomes slower during the crossing of the barrier because of the involvement of the different energies.
This phenomenon also applies to the human brain, and may be a major factor in NOVA's clock experiment – expression of universal consciousness. There is a pathway to interaction of directed thought consciousness possible through this subspace connection. Thus a conscious quantic system can affect another through interaction via subspace. This phenomenon follows quantic rules and is thus non reproduceable, non reductionistic, subtle affecting indeterminant systems by shifting probabilities, among others that we will investigate.
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