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By Harry Howell (DSc, PhD, Dr.Ac)






Depression is very common. Like lightning, it can strike without warning. It may leave just as quickly, or it may remain for days, weeks, months or years. It may even go and return, intermittently. It can be mild, or as debilitating as a broken limb. This section introduces a cascade of tests and treatments.

It is designed to enable you to

  Identify the different types of depression

  Remove or ameliorate depression, no matter what the cause


We will discuss all of the following aspects and treatments:

Different Types of Depression, Symptoms and Causes

     There are at least 8 different types of depression. Learn the symptoms and causes

Hormonal and Neurotransmitter Effects

Excesses or deficiencies of certain hormones, or their associated neurotransmitter can cause some types of depression. Easy to test for and remedy, once you learn how.

Amino acids and depression

A simple deficiency of tyrosine and/or tryptophan can cause depression. Learn what to do about it.


Hardening of the brain, when depression just won’t go away. New understanding and treatment techniques.

Brain Formatting

The relationship between psychology, subtle anatomy, and physiology of the brain.

The Memories in Scars

Scar tissue contains the history and memory of past traumas. Can be eliminated quickly and permanently.

Depression and Sugar Metabolism

Sudden drops in glucose levels can result in instant depression. What to do.

Depression and Body Chemistry

There are many biochemical agents that can cause depression. How you can identify them and remove them.






1. Major Depression

Sometimes still called clinical depression, but merely means severe enough to require treatment.

2. Dysthymia

This might also be called minor depression because the patient always seems to have a mild form of the illness.

3. Bipolar Depression

Often called  manic-depression, with extremes of highs and lows. Because this is caused by an imbalance of the brain chemistry it is relatively easy to treat.


4. Atypical Depression

More common in women, often gets better then worsens again. Symptoms of oversleeping, overeating, hypersensitivity to rejection and intermittent panic attacks are characteristic. Often begins in adolescence and may continue throughout life if untreated.

5. Psychotic Depression

Symptoms include hearing voices in head (auditory hallucinations), seeing things that are not there (visual hallucinations), and delusional thinking. Need urgent treatment.

6. Postpartum Depression

Thought to be a form of major depression, is most common in women who have already experienced some form of depression.

7. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

different from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) because symptoms are more severe and may appear one or two weeks prior to menstruation.

8. Seasonal Affective Disorder

more of a sub-type of depression, arising from some people’s sensitivity to seasonal changes in the amount of available daylight.


1. Major Depression

Patients feel persistently sad. Do not take pleasure in activities they once enjoyed. Other physical and mental problems may include:

  Sleep problems

  Loss of appetite

  Inability to concentrate

  Memory problems

  Aches and pains

They often feel worthless, helpless and hopeless. Often welcome sleep and experience their waking life as a living nightmare. 

Usually strikes between ages 25-44. Episodes may last from 6-9 months.


Most recent research (August 2003) suggests is it caused by a dysfunction of the serotonin transporter gene (this same gene has been linked with binge drinking, cot death syndrome, neurotic behaviour during smoking, and autism – as well as bipolar depression and major depression).

     What happens in the case of major depression is as follows:

In periods of intense stress the explicit memory functions of the temporal lobe memory system can break down. Stress is usually defined physiologically as the amount of so-called stress hormones from the adrenal gland. When this stuff is released it floats around in your bloodstream and gets into the brain. The hippocampus and amygdala are targets. These hormones adversely affect the hippocampus. They make it very difficult, for example, to produce long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, so the hippocampus begins to shut down physiologically. Also, spatial learning is interfered with. If the stress continues, dendrites begin to shrivel up, and if the stress continues even longer the cells die and the hippocampus itself begins to shrink in size.

     The hippocampus is one of the first parts of the brain to suffer damage from anoxia.

     A person can suffer from this type of depression in two possible ways: as an extroverted depression, in which they try to conceal their depression by appearing, to others, as gay (in a non-sexual way), happy, carefree – nothing in the world bothers them and they often try to turn everything into a joke. Several well-known comedians have been known to be extremely depressed in private.

     The other type is the person who becomes very introverted. They try to contain their deep feelings of depression, often by just avoiding too much contact with others. They become loners, although not all loners are depressed.



Homeopathy is one of the most effective methods of dealing with these problems quickly and effectively. All the complex combinations listed in this Health Report are unique and are not available from any other source. They have all been developed by me over a number of years (even decades) and have been clinically tested on thousands of patients.

Phenelex H485, for chronic, deep seated depression that just won’t go away

Extrovex H270, for the extroverted type of depression, described above

Introvex H269, for the introverted type of depression, as described above

Sertragen H962, helps normalize the serotonin transporter gene


This treatment should only be used by professional kinesiologists. Consult a local association.

The buccal nerve, a branch of the trigeminal nerve, runs down both sides of the face at the angle of the mouth, and directly triggers the brain to produce acetylcholine (synthesized from CoA and choline) which in turn stimulates the hippocampus.

1.    TL the buccal points.

2.    if strong, think of something sad

3.    if weak, think of something joyful.

If neither of these change indicator muscle, try Hypothalmic Set Point in reverse – i.e. where TL point is strong, check each facial end point to see if any make muscle change. If so, tap point while Tling buccal point.


2. Dysthymia

Similar to major depression but is longer-lasting and symptoms are milder. Occurs twice as much in women, and is also more common among the poor and the unmarried. Symptoms are:

  poor school/work performance

  social withdrawal

  shyness

  irritable hostility

  conflicts with family and friends

  physiological abnormalities

  sleep irregularities

  often parents with major depression

At least three quarters of people with dysthymia have some other psychiatric of medical disorder as well.



Very often brought on by poor self-esteem, phobias, or anxiety disorder which gets out of hand. The hypothalamus is almost always involved.




Dysthmex H963, directly reduces dysthmia, usually within minutes

Relaxer H45, one of the most popular remedies, bringing an immediate end to tensions, stresses and anxieties

C/C, instills calmness and composure rapidly. An absolute must for this type of depression

For psychotherapists only

Can question about self-esteem, anxieties, or phobias. Psychotherapy (Cognitive or Behavioural) may help with self-esteem. Cognitive to alter self-defeating thoughts, Behavioural to help people to learn to act more positively.

For professional kinesiologists only

     In the case of phobias, the Five Minute Phobia cure can be used. Anxiety disorders will be dealt with in another section.

One of the most effective treatments is Trauma Recall. And Hypothalmic Set Point is also very effective.


3. Bipolar Depression

Consists of periods of highly elevated mood (manic) alternating with period of extreme depression.

     During the elevated mood, patient will have had at least 3 of the following:

  inflated self-esteem or grandiosity

  decreased need for sleep (insomnia)

  more talkative than usual

  flight of ideas or racing thoughts

  distractibility

  increased activity or agitation

  reckless involvement in pleasurable activities

During the depression, patient will have experienced several of the following:

  persistent depressed mood

  marked apathy or loss of interest

  significant anorexia or weight loss, or increase in appetite or weight

  psychomotor agitation or retardation

  fatigue

  feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt

  poor concentration or indecisiveness

  recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

  absence of two weeks or more of delusions or hallucinations when mood was normal


About 20% of people with bipolar disorder commit suicide, usually when they are passing from one phase to the other and feel disoriented.



Can occur in two main forms: bipolar I and bipolar II.

     In bipolar I both phases of the illness are apt to be very pronounced. In bipolar II, mania is often mild and the depression can be either mild or severe. B-II has fewer and shorter periods of remission, tends to run in families, and is less responsive to treatment. It is also the most common form of bipolar disorder.

     The first episode in males is likely to be manic, the first in females depressive. Frequently, a woman will experience several episodes of depression before a manic episode occurs.

     It is thought to result from chemical imbalances in the brain, caused by a defective gene. Among the brain chemicals involved are serotonin and norepinephrine.

     Drug or alcohol abuse is common in these patients, which can mask the symptoms and make diagnosis harder. A thyroid analysis is important because lithium – the principal drug used for treatment – is known to lower thyroid function.



Lithium carbonate is the main drug used during the manic stage, often in conjunction with psychotherapy. In alternative therapies, we use a homeopathic form of lithium because it is not addictive and does not push calcium and magnesium out of the body, which the drug form does.

     During the depressive stage, anti-depressants are commonly used, including the newly developed serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

     Another useful treatment can be pineal glandular – used in a VibroFusion form.


Psyman H964, acts quickly to normalise bipolar disorders I and II

Lithium carbonicum, a fast-acting homeopathic form of lithium with the side-effects 

Pinstim H169, has a rapid effect of normalizing pineal production of serotonin


4. Atypical Depression

Sufferers of depression with atypical features will respond to negative or positive external events. They’ll feel deeply depressed or somewhat hopeful depending on the latest situation they’re faced with. Their mood will brighten significantly when out with friends or enjoying a good movie. But when they are alone their mood will slip back into the dark depths of depression.

     This type of depression usually follows an interpersonal rejection by a lover or boss, or close friend. People with AD tend to overeat and oversleep, whereas people with melancholia are often characterized by weight loss and insomnia.

     People with AD feel paralysed or too tired to get out of bed. Chocolate is particularly important as a comfort food.

Symptoms would include 2 out of the following 4 (in addition to typical symptoms of depression)

1.    increased appetite with weight gain of 4 kilos or more when depressed

2.    hypersomnia (excessive sleep) of 10 hours or more per day

3.    heavy leaden feelings in arms and legs

4.    longstanding pattern of interpersonal rejection sensitivity, not limited to episodes of depression.



Most current theory agrees that AD is a chemical imbalance in the brain, whether brought on through genetic factors of by events – like rejection.




Limbic VF2, normalizes the limbic system, hippocampus and corpus callosum


5. Psychotic Depression

Characterised not only by depressive symptoms but also by hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there) or delusions (irrational thoughts and fears). Often psychotically depressed people become paranoid or come to believe that their thoughts are not their own (thought insertion) or that others can ‘hear’ their thoughts (thought broadcasting).

     While people with other mental illnesses, like schizophrenia also experience these symptoms, those with PD are usually aware that these thoughts aren’t true. Symptoms of PD include:

  anxiety

  agitation

  hypochondria

  insomnia

  physical immobility

  constipation

  cognitive impairment



1.    increased corticotropin circadian rhythms

2.    increased overnight levels of cortisol

3.    prefrontal cognitive deficits that may be caused by hormone interactions



For professional kinesiologists only. Consult local association

1. Circadian rhythms are controlled by the pineal gland. Corticotropin releasing hormone is secreted by the hypothalamus. Test singly then as a 2-point. If strong singly but weak as 2-point, indicates hypothalamus involvement. Can use hypothalamic set point.

2. increased levels of cortisol can lead to PD. Test adrenals, both sides, should be strong. If weak, use Hypothalmic Set Point.

3. The amino acid taurine also acts as a neurotransmitter. A deficiency can have the effect of inhibiting secretion of adrenal hormones, and can also have insulin-like effects on the brain – leading to hypoglycemic effects, including PD. Check taurine point and if weak, use hypothalamic set point.

4. Infra-red treatment on pineal gland: 10 second surges every minute, for 3 minutes.



Circaflo VF3, normalizes the flow of circadian rhythms


6. Postpartum Depression

About 60-80% of women experience a varying degree of depression, irritability and moodiness after giving birth. In most cases this disappears within 2 weeks. But for some, it continues to get worse. Sometimes this can last for as much as a year. Symptom include:


Weepiness or sadness that persists all day

Diminished interest in almost all activities

Difficulty in concentrating

Change in appetite


Moodiness and  irritability

Excessive guilt

Panic attacks

Feelings of impending doom



Probably a combination of hormonal, biochemical, environmental, psychological and genetic factors. There is a precipitous drop in hormone levels immediately after childbirth, and this may be largely to blame. Also, the emotional high of giving birth quickly disappears, to be replaced by the many new responsibilities of parenthood. Sleepless nights also contributes.

     A woman is more at risk of PPD if:

  • She or anyone in her family has a history of depression or other mental problems, or if she had bouts of intense anxiety during pregnancy
  • The pregnancy was not planned, or was unwanted
  • The spouse or partner is unsupportive
  • There are marital difficulties
  • There are financial problems
  • Have recently been through a separation or divorce
  • Went through a serious life change, such as a big move or loss of job
  • Suffer from PMS
  • Had obstetric complications
  • Were subject to early childhood trauma, have a history of abuse


Seek professional help to determine the underlying cause


Pospardep H965, relieves post partum depression following a birth


7. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Women with PMDD complain of irritability, anger, tension, marked depressed mood, and mood lability (crying spells for no reason, verbal outbursts, or tantrums) to such a severity that quality of life is seriously compromised. In addition, some women complain of lethargy, sleep disturbance, limited concentration, and such things as breast tenderness, headaches, joint and muscle pain, bloating and weight gain.

     Symptoms usually appear during the week or so before and disappearing within a few days of the onset of menses. The symptoms of PMDD may resemble a thyroid condition, depression, or an anxiety disorder.

     Diagnosis: Over the course of a year, during most menstrual cycles, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • Depressed mood
  • Anger or irritability
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Moodiness
  • Increased appetite
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • Symptoms that disturb social, occupational or physical functioning



1. an abnormal reaction to normal hormone changes that occur with each menstrual cycle. This may include fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone levels.

2. a serotonin deficiency, which can cause vasodilation.



Treatment depends on severity of symptoms. Mild cases, diet modifications – such as high carbohydrate meals, and reducing salt, caffeine and alcohol.

For severe cases the question of serotonin reuptake inhibition may be required. Professional help should be sought for this. In some cases it is desirable to suppress the menstrual cycle. An effective treatment is homeopathic estradiol, combined with progesterone to prevent endometrial hyperplasia.



Estradiol, especially combined with progesterone in a unique, fast-acting blend


8.     Disorder Seasonal Affective

Some people have difficulty in adjusting to the shortage of sunlight in the winter months. Symptoms are more pronounced in January and February. Symptoms include:

  • Symptoms of depression regularly during autumn and winter months
  • Depression subsides in spring and summer months
  • Symptoms have occurred last 2 years
  • Individual craves sugary or starchy foods



The most probable cause is abnormal production of melatonin, produced in the pineal gland during hours of darkness. Light inhibits production of melatonin.



1. Exposure where possible of one hour to winter sunlight. If not possible, 2 hours of white light treatment is often helpful.

2. Hypothalmic Set Point of pineal gland (for professional kinesiologists only)


Melatonin, in a homeopathic form that normalizes production of melatonin

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