Natasha's Humiliation and Betrayal – My Girl Friend Stole my Boyfriend
Perhaps one of the most painful and humiliating episodes of my life occurred about 20 years ago in 1987, when I had invited a girlfriend of mine to visit me and stay the weekend. She had journeyed from a town on the south coast of the UK to where I was living at the time in the South West at the home of my boyfriend.
My girl friend arrived on the Friday afternoon; my boyfriend returned home from London as well. On Saturday the three of us travelled around various towns and country places, dropping in to visit with friends.
I distinctly remember that at one of these visits, an argument occurred, whereby my boyfriend and my girl friend both attacked me. This wasn’t just a little spat; no, it was a personal attack and quite vicious. I felt very hurt and upset.
I don’t remember that much about the Sunday, although we must have gone out and travelled around. Although I was living with my boyfriend and in a co-habiting relationship with him, I also had my own bedroom. On the Sunday night, things were very frosty and I slept in my own room. When I awoke Monday morning and was getting ready to go to work, down the stairs came the two of them; they had obviously spent the night together.
This was so painful; I had to take the train to go to work, and sobbed the entire time on the train and walking from the train station to work. I even cried during the day and was inconsolable.
Betrayal and humiliation by my own friends. They both carried on with an affair for several months. This had momentous consequences for me. I had helped to move my boyfriend out of London; when it became crystal clear that he hadn’t really intended me to live with him and I wasn’t that special to him, I had nowhere to live. Having moved from London, I had also lost a University post and lucrative work in London, so had to seek less well-paid work in the West Country. I rented a room in a house nearby, and when an opportunity arose to teach at a US College in Seattle, I sold my car and everything else and moved to the US for an eventful year.
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